Tuesday, December 22, 2009

FREE Store event on Sunday

Yes, it's absolutely free. The event is all day at Vancouver's Little Mountain Gallery, 195 East 26th Avenue (just west of Main).

Here's what they told me: "We are transforming Little Mountain Gallery (on 26th half a block West of Main) into a shop of liberated goods -- FOR FREE -- in mere hours. Yes, it's true. It really can happen. A store that is entirely free.

"This year we have had donated, among many other things: two iMac computers, a sewing machine, some black polyester pants with flames hand painted on them, a lampshade, lots of socks, a copy of Brave New World, a bicycle made for one, a whole bunch of vintage clothing from a local vintage store, A HOME GYM SYSTEM, a book on how to develop colour film, some weird pieces of wood, several televisions, a beautiful portrait of Michael Burnside by Mike Burnside, light pink 8-inch heels, kitchen appliances, and two flats of brand new instant java. There is a box of treasure and an electric keyboard and a helmet and almost everything is in full working order... Come check out the new and improved shrine to HALF-USED CREAMS...

"There is a Streetfighter II arcade game at Little Mountain now, and there will be a TOURNAMENT at 3pm. The winner gets FREE STUFF!!!!!!

"So anyways, besides all the things and things, there will be people, and something that happens when they all come together with a specific shared purpose, and probably cookies. Can someone bring cookies? (Or anything else?)

"Also, we hope to cover the store with free art. So bring that too if you have it. Pick your definition of art. I'm just sayin you could do free performance art by impersonating a garage sale. In fact, the home gym system will go to the person embodying a garage sale.

"There are rumours that there will be a hot swing jazz band landing in the later hours, and I'm pretty excited about that.


"Love, The Free Store"

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